To ensure that Contractors are billing Owners the correct amount each billing cycle, our team of Earned Value Management professionals verify that the amount billed is commensurate with the amount of progress earned. We provide detailed cost analysis at any level: activity, project, or program. Earned Value analysis also serves as a secondary indicator of overall progress at any given point in the project. In some cases, the Completion Date may remain unchanged when in-fact, the project has fallen behind schedule.

How Cost Loading and utilizing our team of Earned Value Management professionals can benefit your project.
- Verification of Earned Value
- Tracking tool for Costs
- Identify Critical Cost Activities
By hiring our team of professionals your team will not have to spend countless hours tracking down the minor cost discrepancy in the schedule that does not match up to your accountant’s books. Our highly experienced team will relieve you of stress and the time associated with developing a schedule, so that your team does not have to.