Resource Loading (Man Hours / Crew Hours)

Our team of construction professionals specializes in resource-loading your project schedules, utilizing labor hours or crew hours to accurately forecast staffing levels and identify when projects exceed allowable resource limits. This critical assessment not only enhances control, particularly for larger projects with multiple crews per trade, but also provides valuable insights into resource allocation.

Identifying Potential Issues

By conducting thorough labor analysis, we can pinpoint instances where the schedule may be overextended, such as when multiple activities for a specific trade overlap. These potential issues could easily be overlooked without proper resource loading.

Project Viability

The success of your project hinges on both cost management and production levels, as they are intrinsically linked; the increase of one often results in the increase of the other. Resource loading enables us to analyze visual and quantitative data for project viability. Overextending production levels should be approached cautiously, as it may indicate that the project is falling behind schedule or that financial resources are being mismanaged.


  • Organized project that can more easily analyzed
  • Defined scope of work
  • Assign crews to tasks / assign workload
  • Track expected project revenue
  • More accurate estimates
  • Actualized data analysis

Precision’s Expertise

Leveraging our consultants’ expertise ensures that your project information is meticulously consolidated and validated, facilitating timely project completion. We manage resources based on availability, capacity, and the overall scope of the project, ensuring efficient execution and effective oversight.